=Here's the penultimate module. Take your time (we suggest 1 hour) to process this module, and we recommend finding a partner to do this with. Send us any questions or feedback if you'd like.
~ Reflection ~ This time, we uncover and honor pain, and talk about money and separation. Recall a time when you felt stuck, discomfort, worry, or failed at something. What were the circumstances? Where did you feel it in your body? If you peeled back those emotions, what was at the center? Many times, the source of our pain is our feeling of "not enough," of scarcity. “I am not enough.” “You are not enough.” “There is not enough time, energy, capacity, money, etc.” How real is this idea of not enough? Of scarcity? Let’s for a moment think about the opposite of scarcity - sufficiency. What might that feel like? ~ Learn ~ On sufficiency: last time, we shared that Robin Wall-Kimmerer writes, “The practice of gratitude can, in a very real way, lead to the practice of self-restraint, of taking only what we need. Acknowledging the gifts that surround us creates a sense of satisfaction, a feeling of enough-ness which is an antidote to the societal messages that drill into our spirits telling us we must have more. Practicing contentment is a radical act in a consumption-driven society.” On scarcity: watch this video called Sacred Economics (12 min), where Charles Eisenstein illustrates how money breeds scarcity and separation. Meanwhile, Edgar Villaneuva (15 min video) on Decolonizing Wealth, says that money can be medicine for the world. ~ Process ~
~ Practice ~ We recognize this module may push at your growing edges. When we bring our attention to scarcity we begin to recognize it in too many places. Let's spend a little time with that, and also explore what does wholeness and sufficiency, enoughness, feel like? Try with this practice (17 min). It's a bit longer than past practices, but it's sufficient, just as you are. If you prefer, do your own practice with this prompt: What does enough-ness feel like? Is there an ease and flow you can find? Bonus: Projects to explore and engage:
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